Earlier this year, World Water Week 2019 was held in Stockholm, Sweden, where three winners of the Urban Water Challenge Award were selected from 226 companies across 38 countries.
One of Pi’s OEMs, Indra Water from India, was one of the winners of this prestigious award for their modular, self-contained wastewater treatment systems which will be deployed in schools and colleges in Mumbai.

Indra Water Private Labelling
Working together since July 2018
Indra Water’s wastewater treatment systems combine Pi’s water quality instrumentation with patented treatment technology, which removes water pollutants in a low-energy, chemical-free process.
Pi’s CRIUS® instrument controllers are fundamental to the treatment systems, providing precise data feedback to improve efficiency. Several of Pi’s sensors are integrated into the treatment systems to monitor the effectiveness of the electro-coagulation based process, including:
- The pHSense pH Meter,
- The ConductiSense Conductivity Meter,
- The ORPSense ORP Monitor and
- The TurbSense® Turbidity Monitor.
As part of the integration of Pi’s equipment, Indra Water ordered their own company branded labels for the CRIUS® analyzers. Private labelling is a service that Pi can provide, in certain circumstances, for a small one-off fee enabling companies to incorporate Pi equipment into their own systems, as well as increasing their own brand awareness at the same time.
Pi’s head office contact for Asia, Julius Guth, who has been working closely with Indra Water to provide the best combination of measurement equipment to monitor their treatment process, spoke about the award:
“It’s fantastic for our partner, Indra Water, to be recognised for their achievements in providing an innovative and affordable wastewater solution for schools and colleges in Mumbai. I take great pride in providing equipment which not only helps to improve water quality but can also help to make a real impact on the lives of young people in developing countries.”
To see Pi’s full range of products, please click here. Alternatively, if you wish to discuss your application with us, please feel free to contact us.
Private Labelling from Pi
Pi makes some of the best water quality instrumentation in the world. So good in fact, that other companies want to sell them as their own, saving them huge sums of money on Research and Development. If you think that you would like to become a Private Label customer, please click here for more information or give us a call.